Sybil Mobile Notary Mobile Notaries are traveling notaries that work 24-7 (every day & anytime) in Overland Park, KS, Kansas City MO & Dallas TX. Our Maryland mobile and RON team is growing and has limited hours; Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm. Saturdays 10-6pm. Sunday by appointment only.
Sybil Mobile Notary Headquarters is located in Corporate Woods Office Park, Overland Park, KS , in Johnson County. We are conveniently located on College Blvd. between I-69 and Antioch Road. On-site office hours are 9am - 5pm, Central Time. Mobile Notary Services are 24/7 hours, 365 days of year.
Each state sets fees Notaries may charge to perform notarial acts. Notaries may charge any fee (or none) up to the maximum allowed under their state fee schedule. 2023 Notary Fees By State
How to notarize a child passport? We are often asked to notarize Form DS-3053 “Statement of Consent”. This form must be completed and submitted with the child’s passport application. Contact Sybil Mobile Notary in all our states for a quote and we will come to you, every day and any time.